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Smart Cities. Critical Debates on Big Data, Urban Development and Social Environmental Sustainabilit

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Smart Cities. Critical Debates on Big Data, Urban Development and Social Environmental Sustainabilit
Smart Cities. Critical Debates on Big Data, Urban Development and Social Environmental Sustainabilit
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Opis produktu

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In the age of global climate change, society will require cities that are environmentally self-sufficient, able to withstand various environmental problems and recover quickly. It is interesting to note that many `smart` solutions for cities are leading to an unsustainable future, including further electrification, an increased dependence on the Internet, Internet of Things, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence, and basically any technology that leads us to consume more electricity. This book examines critical topics in Smart Cities such as true sustainability and the resilience required for all cities. It explores sustainability issues in agriculture and the role of agri-technology for a sustainable future, including a city`s ability to locally produce food for its residents. Features: Discusses safety, security, data management, and privacy issues in Smart Cities Examines the various emerging forms of transportation infrastructure and new vehicle technology Considers how energy efficiency can be achieved through behavioral change through specific building operations Smart Cities: Critical Debates on Big Data, Urban Development and Social Environmental Sustainability brings awareness to professionals working in the fields of environmental, civil, and transportation engineering, urban planners, and political leaders about different environmental aspects of Smart Cities and refocuses attention on critical urban infrastructure that will be necessary to respond to future challenges including climate change, food insecurity, natural hazards, energy production, and resilience.

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Smart Cities. Critical Debates on Big Data, Urban Development and Social Environmental Sustainabilit
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