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No Regrets Parenting, Updated and Expanded Edition - audiobook

92,90 zł
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16 min.
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No Regrets Parenting, Updated and Expanded Edition - audiobook
No Regrets Parenting, Updated and Expanded Edition - audiobook92,90 zł

Opis produktu

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For every type of family, this updated and expanded edition is the quintessential, open-to-all parenting guidebook, guaranteed to help you find moreand bettertime for your kids and yourself.Its not just how much time you have with your kids, but how you spend that time that matters in the life and legacy of a family. No Regrets Parenting focuses on the simple truth that the long days of busy parenting race quickly by and, looking back someday, the years with kids will feel far too short. Written by renowned pediatrician, celebrated author, and distinguished parenting expert, Dr. Harley Rotbart,No Regrets Parenting, Updated and Expanded Editionhelps parents readjust their perspectives and priorities. Dr. Rotbart teaches parents how to experience the joy and depth of the parenting experience amidst the chaos and choreography of daily routines. Carpool, bedtime, bath time, soccer practice, homework, dinner hour, and sleepovers all become more than just obligations and hurdles to overcome. They become opportunities for intimate and meaningful time with kids opportunities to turn fleeting minutes into memorable moments.Your kids need to see who you are and how you live your life. And, in return, they will help you to see who you really are and how you should be living your life. For all of that to happen, families need memorable and meaningful time together.No Regrets Parentingis about timefinding enough of it and making the most of it.Accompanying this timeless advice, Dr. Rotbart has added timely, updated content to address the ever-changing needs of today's busy families. Also in this edition are two brand new sections: Parenting Young Adult Children (because parenting doesn't end with high school graduation) and No Regrets Grandparenting for those magical years when your children become parents! Oh my! This updated and expanded edition answers the ageless question: How can you do it alland stay sane in the process?

Informacje szczegółowe

ID produktu:
No Regrets Parenting, Updated and Expanded Edition - audiobook
Aaseng Jay
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Czas trwania:
16 min.
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